Our International Partner: The Filter Project

The Filter Project is a parachurch, gospel-centered ministry whose mission provides two life-changing gifts to those we serve. First, they share the gift of God’s love, the Gospel of Christ. Second, they provide the gift of clean, safe drinking water by providing a long-lasting water filter. This gift allows them to develop a continued relationship with the family and thereby allows them to nurture a new relationship with Jesus Christ.

Love Jesus and Fishing? Passionate about Living Water? Partner with us!

Wired2fish Coffee sets aside 18% of net profit for faith-based initiatives. Our mission is to bring more people to God by supporting initiatives that equip evangelists and missionaries, and we take it very seriously. We are truly Wired2fish for men and women so that they can learn the great mercy, love, and forgiveness of the Father. Our world is so dark. We believe that this giveback will bring light and life to many.

Our Domestic Partner:

One of our current faith-based benefactors is the church-build for Grace Fellowship in Buffalo, Wyoming. This new church home will house a local Christian Academy, church and serve as a School of Ministry campus for equipping leaders and evangelists for small community outreach in the Rocky Mountain States and beyond.

"We have heard, we have seen, and we have received the mandate,” stated Paul Gilbert Pastor of Grace Fellowship in Buffalo. “Our calling is not merely to erect a building, but to equip generations to be world changers. It is truly a miracle that we’ve been able to come even this far and serves as a testament to God’s will to make Buffalo a strategic location for learning. We are grateful to Wired2fish Coffee for seeing our vision and helping move it forward toward reality.”

Our Conservation Partner:

Wired2fish Coffee also currently donates 7% of net profits to clean water initiatives. It is our responsibility to steward our resources, and we take it seriously. We’ve done water cleanups with our Professional Anglers and are always interested in giving back. One of our larger current benefactors is the North Carolina Resources Commission (NCWRC) Greenhouse Initiative, however we are always looking for other conservation programs that are proven and scientific in nature to support.

Interested in benefitting from our give-back program? Apply here today! We review our portfolio of partners 2x/year. Maybe we can make a difference in your conservation or Christian program!